The Female Power of Volitional Attraction: The Concept of Call

Background: Some women report a volitional, conscious ability to draw the attention of others, called Call. Call is hypothesized to be universal in all women, but a concise instrument that adequately evaluates this innate ability does not currently exist. To address this gap, we created the Call scale and validated this scale. A secondary aim […]

Orgasmic Meditation and The Mystical Experience: A Case Study

Background: Orgasmic Meditation (OM), a structured attention training practice conducted between two people following a predefined set of detailed instructions. The practice involves one person gently stroking the clitoris of another person for 15 minutes while both place their attention on the point of contact, noticing what they feel. Practitioners of OM reported the practice […]

Phase 1 Clinical Trial Assessing Safety and Feasibility as a Meditation Practice for Individuals with PTSD

Partnered sexual interactions can provoke distressing emotional experiences for individuals with a history of childhood adversity impeding the experience of sexual arousal. Some theorize that such histories impair the ability to feel close to any person, leading to difficulty connecting with intimate partners and sexual dissatisfaction. In contrast, it is possible that alleged deficits in […]

Alterations in cerebral glucose metabolism measured by FDG PET in OM Subjects

Abstract: We measured changes in resting brain functional connectivity, with blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), associated with a creative meditation practice that is augmented by clitoral stimulation and is designed to not only achieve a spiritual experience but to help individuals manage their most intimate personal relationships. Briefly, the meditative […]

Intense positive affect without arousal is possible: Subjective and physiological reactivity during a partnered sexual meditative experience

Though common models suggest that affect intensity can be thought of as orthogonal to arousal, examples of intensely pleasant low arousal stimuli remain rare. To support this orthogonal model, we examined whether a specific meditative sexual practice, Orgasmic Meditation (OM), induces such a state. Thus, this study measured changes in subjective affect as well as skin […]

Alterations in Functional Connectivity Measured by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The overall goal of this study was to determine the neurophysiological correlates of Orgasmic Meditation (OM) as well as compare these effects to those of other meditation-based practices. By utilizing the PET-MRI scanner at Thomas Jefferson University, the most accurate neurophysiological data was obtained on the effects of Orgasmic Meditation. Twenty pairs of people were […]

Effects of adverse childhood experiences on partnered sexual arousal appear context dependent

Partnered sexual interactions can provoke distressing emotional experiences for individuals with a history of childhood adversity impeding the experience of sexual arousal. Some theorize that such histories impair the ability to feel close to any person, leading to difficulty connecting with intimate partners and sexual dissatisfaction. In contrast, it is possible that alleged deficits in […]