Background: Orgasmic Meditation (OM), a structured attention training practice conducted between two people following a predefined set of detailed instructions. The practice involves one person gently stroking the clitoris of another person for 15 minutes while both place their attention on the point of contact, noticing what they feel. Practitioners of OM reported the practice triggers a mystical state and is distinct both from typical sexual engagement and other meditations (Siegel, et al., 2021). Mystical experiences have been of interest over the centuries and are beginning to be seen as a path to healing for mental health and well-being.
Methods: This study is IRB exempt and involved two sets of data. One set was OM journals from 1,506 OM practitioners and another set was the personal journals of Nicole Daedone, creator of OM, from 2003 and 2012. Data analysis in this study included word analysis and thematic analysis. Word and thematic analyses were conducted to determine whether mystical experiences were present in the journal entries.
Results: The themes are consistent with the traits of mystical experience defined through psychological science: (1) ineffability and feeling of unity with all things, (2) sense of transiency and timelessness, (3) sense of ecstasy and bliss, (4) sense of sacredness, (5) altered perception, and (6) sense of passivity.
Conclusion: Orgasmic Meditation leads to a mystical experience and is a possible practice and standardized means to access a mystical experience.
- Mystical State Case Study: Orgasmic Meditation and The Mystical Experience: A Case Study | 02/03/2025